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answering machine 電話答錄機。

answering service

Her answering machine just eloped with her tape deck , so i ' m stuck with taking her calls 她的留言機跟錄音座私奔了,只好由我來接聽她的電話。

Have you ever thought what it would be like if god had an answering machine when you prayed 你有想過在你祈禱時,神那兒也有一個留言信箱嗎?

I called the boutique for suggestions but only got their answering machine 我打電話給那家服裝店尋求建議,聽到的卻只是機器的自動應答。

I tried to fax the document to you , but the answering machine came on instead 我設法把文件傳真給你,可是只聽到電話錄音機的聲音。

Application of programmable logic device in circuit design of competitive answer machines 可編程邏輯器件在搶答器電路設計中的應用

I called the boutique for suggestions but only got their answering machine 我打電話去那家服飾店咨詢,卻只聽見電話答錄機的聲音。

I called the boutique for suggestions but only got their answering machine 我打電話去那家服飾店咨詢,卻只聽見錄音電話的聲音。

I ' ve left messages on her answering machine , but she hasn ' t returned my calls 我在她的錄音機上留了話,可是她一直沒回電。

Telephone answering machine 電話答錄機是

I called you this morning and left you a message on your answering machine 我早上給你打了電話,在你的留言機上留了言。

While you ' re talking to him , would you mind mentioning the answering machine 你跟他談時,能順便說一下電話應答機的事嗎

Molly : same old , same old . but i did get a new answering machine 莫莉:老樣子,老樣子。不過我新安裝了電話留言機。

Marina : ( answering machine ) and i would do anything to have another chance 電話答錄機)我能做任何事去換取一個機會。

( michelle on answering machine ) hi . it ' s me calling to see how things are going 嗨,是我,打電話問問事情進展如何了

[ jenny walks to the answering machine and presses a button to play the message [ j走到電話答錄機前按播放鍵聽消息。

Answering machine . three messages .三條消息

Michelle on answering machine ) hi . it ' s me calling to see how things are going 嗨,是我,打電話問問事情進展如何了

Michelle on answering machine hi . it ' s me calling to see how things are going 嗨,是我,打電話問問事情進展如何了

So i did that star - 69 thingy , and i swore i got your answering machine 所以我試著回撥結果聽到你的電話錄音留言